Thursday, December 8, 2011

Whats the statute of limitations in Illinois if you would like to sue your landlord for holding the deposit?

I lived in an apt complex for 6 years. I moved in with fairly decent carpet (not new) and when I asked to get the apt painted after 6 years they gave me issues. They finally painted the apt. They sent at least 4-6 maintenance people in to paint. A month later my apt was broken into (no forced entry). I used my key to enter the apt and when I went into my bedroom things were missing. At that time my neighbor stated that someone had burglarized her apt (no forced entry). The police was called and they insinuated that it was an "inside job!" I went to the complex and complained and they did nothing. I didn't renew my lease and when I moved out they claimed they didn't recieve the key on the 2nd of the month and they also claimed frivilous damage to the apt. including carpet which they had never changed. What should I do?|||A year after the incident occurred. If you are within that time, you can sue.

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