Thursday, December 15, 2011

My landlord don't want to let me out and my home iss being terrorize?

I live in a block of flats in the 13thth floor, someone has being setting fire in our floor 3 times in the last 6 months on the halls, there was an explosion downstairs about 6 months ago.

3 day鈥檚 ago there was another fire this time it was very big it was truly life threatening me and my family we were all trapped in our own flat with 2 baby鈥檚, I thought we were going to die they were all screaming, the centre of the fire was right by our door so we couldn鈥檛 get out,

I open the door all I saw was flames of fire, then I closed the door and took everyone as far away as possible from the fire, fortunately our door was fire-proof, but thick black smoke was getting in to the flat and we were surviving by breathing by the windows, police and other organizations are investigating this case but who ever did this is still on the loose,

the first thing that came in to our minds after this incident was to get out that flat but the land lord is saying we have to stay there and live there until the contract finishes which is for another 11 months, he say鈥檚= he needs to pay his mortgage, we only sign this contract 3 weeks ago we were actually renewing it . I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE AND I NEED MY 拢 1000 DEPOSIT BACK SO I CAN MOVE OUT to another house because I can鈥檛 afford it

can you please tell me what to do ,thank you|||Seek legal advice ASAP!

You can contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau, they don't charge

Good luck mate, sounds like you need to get out of there fast.|||Get a lawyer.|||what is more important? getting your money back or your safety? move out and take a furnished room somehwere until you can work and save up for an apartment...and then take the person to small claims court.|||I'm lost, why did you renew your lease if you wanted to leave?

Also you don't get your deposit back upfront. you get it back after you vacate the apartment and it gets looked over. So you might want to start saving up to have the typical first, last, and deposit ready for your new apartment as well as moving fees. To get out of your place you can find someone else to take over your lease.

Good luck, and you might want to learn how to spell.|||your screwed, this is the whole point of a lease. you signed it so if you leave you will not get your security back and he could try and sue you for the remainded of the lease. try and find someone to take over the lease for you|||There's no way he can make you stay unless the contract you signed is insane. He can't guilt you into staying. If he broke the contract, you can move out without penalty. (So read it!)

Or, get a lawyer to do the hard work for you.|||go to your local council and get on the housing list

and get the police crime ref number and details and take that with you

your landlord has a responsibility to provide a place that is fit to live in, sounds to me its not.|||In most cities, landlords are at least required to provide habitable quarters (heat, light, water, sewage) even if contracts they write are onerous in recourse. I would check with the city and see whether the building is considered safe to live in and ask for assistance.|||Your family's safety is number one. Screw your landlords mortgage, find somewhere safe.|||just go get your money later, save your family|||Jeez, are you in Baghdad?

In fact, whether you can afford it or not, leave there now before someone dies, I think.|||In every jurisdiction there is a rentlesman, tenant review board or whatever the local term is that looks after landlord/tenant disputes. That is who you need to get in touch with. If the place is unfit to live in, then the landlord has broken the contract and it should no longer be binding upon you.|||Your, or your landlord鈥檚, right to end a tenancy agreement and your right to stay and be protected from eviction will depend on the type of tenancy you have.

Where do you live? If you are in the UK, check out this site:|||Get a lawyer and claim unliveable conditions

Just have the lawyer write a letter and you can always move out and say FU to the landlord|||Sounds like you are located across the pond. Here in the US, you would take him to small claims court - no lawyers required.... I believe there is an argument that he is not living up to his end of the agreement. Could go either way... 13 floors is a long way to go...Worst case scenario, cut your loses and find a another apartment/flat(safer). Will he let you relocate within the building???(lower floor)|||Your city should have a tenant rights program in place that will address the matter.

I would see who I could contact on your cities website, and go from there.

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